‘We made a fantastically strong 2021 where we reported record high result and sales, which we see as a direct connection to our employees' high engagement. It’s the people and how we do things together that is the key to our success. We are so grateful for every employee who chooses to be a part of our journey as a global, brand-led and sustainable fashion company’, says Sanna Lindgren, Director Culture & Communication at Lindex.
The result, from the most recent employee survey, shows a higher level of engagement than ever before at Lindex. An eNPS of 66 is high above the average of 23 among similar companies in the consumer industry, in the research company Peakon's database. The result shows how the culture at Lindex is characterised by a strong trust among the employees, who support and help each other. Particularly characteristic for the result is also how the fashion company's strategy and higher purpose - to empower and inspire women - is well rooted and inspires the employees.
‘With our continuous employee survey and our digital tool, it is easy and smooth for our employees to share their thoughts and opinions about their workplace and be involved in creating the Lindex we all want to be a part of. It also gives us a current overview of our areas for improvement as well as strengths to build on. Working with the employee engagement is a way for us to further strengthen the positive and strong culture that we have within Lindex’, says Sanna Lindgren.
*Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)
For more information, please contact:
Kristina Hermansson
Senior PR & Communications Manager
Phone: +46 (0)31 739 50 70
E-mail: press@lindex.com