Storefront with a glass facade featuring the red Lindex logo, surrounded by leafy branches in the foreground.

Financial information

Lindex is a division within Lindex Group. The Group’s head office is located in Helsinki, Finland.

Lindex Group

In March 2024, Lindex’s owner Stockmann plc changed its name to Lindex Group plc.​ The company is listed on the NASDAQ Helsinki Stock Exchange and has about 42 328 shareholders as of the end of December 2023. The Lindex Group operates through two main business divisions: Lindex and Stockmann. Lindex has been part of the Group since 2007.

Financial information

In 2023, the Lindex Group reported a total revenue of 951.7 MEUR where the Lindex division stands for two thirds of the revenue. For more financial information, visit the corporate website of Lindex Group.

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