
Lindex launches new code of conduct with focus on gender equality

Lindex launches the ‘Lindex Code of Conduct’ with a strong focus on gender equality. The new code of conduct makes Lindex one of the first major fashion companies to integrate gender equality in its basic requirements for textile production and all business partnerships.

The Lindex Code of Conduct is a step in the fashion company’s ambition to take the lead in creating fair and equal workplaces for women. Lindex has developed its new code of conduct based on the ETI Base Code by Ethical Trading Initiative, but has an enhanced focus on gender equality and especially the situation for women in factories. All Lindex’s business partners are required to follow the code of conduct and the new one will be implemented in Lindex’s whole value chain by 2021.

“The woman is everything to us at Lindex and we want all women across our value chain to be able to fulfil their potential. The launch of our new code of conduct means empowering women will now be a basic requirement in all our partnerships. Together with our suppliers and business partners, we can empower women everywhere” says Anna-Karin Dahlberg, Corporate Sustainability Manager at Lindex.

Lindex supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), where the goal on gender equality is crucial for reaching any of the goals. Earlier this year, Lindex launched its sustainability promise – to make a difference for future generations. Empowering women is a focus area in the promise and the goals are in line with SDG 5: Gender equality. Read Lindex’s entire sustainability promise here.

About code of conduct: A code of conduct sets the basic requirements for working conditions such as wages, working conditions, freedom of association and more. Lindex has had a code of conduct since 1997 and has since 2004 been a member and used the amfori BSCI code of conduct (formerly known as Business Social Compliance Initiative, BSCI). With the launch of the Lindex Code of Conduct, the fashion company leaves amfori BSCI.

For more information, please contact:

Kristina Hermansson
Corporate Communications Manager
Phone: 46 (0)31 739 50 70
E-mail: press@lindex.com

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