WaterAid’s ambassador Jan Eliasson once said that together is the world’s most important word. Because together is the only way we can create a better world. I would therefore like to thank everyone at Lindex, and all customers who chose to round up. Together we will make sure that more people get access to clean water and a better future, says Cecilia Chatterjee-Martinse, Secretary General at WaterAid Sweden.
The campaign lasted from August 24 until August 30 2017. In average, the customers rounded up 0.9 EUR and in total more than 87 000 EUR was collected, which shows how every small amount can make a difference.
“I want to thank all customers and employees that have shown great commitment and contributed to more people getting access to clean water. The water issue is important to us at Lindex and I am proud that we can support WaterAid in their very important work”, says Elisabeth Peregi, interim CEO at Lindex.
Access to clean water and sanitation is a human right. Despite that, more than 650 million people lack access to clean water and almost 2.4 billion lack access to proper sanitation. Approximately 290 000 children die each year from diseases caused by dirty water and poor sanitation. That means almost 800 children each day.
Each year WaterAid’s work changes lives for millions of people through improved access to clean water and sanitation in the world’s poorest communities. More children can survive their childhood, the risk for malnutrition decreases and families can stay healthy. Hours spent collecting water can instead be spent working and going to school. Access to clean water and sanitation can help communities and countries break the circle of poverty
WaterAid is an international organisation working for a world where everybody has access to clean water and sanitation. WaterAid works with local partners for sustainable and long-term solutions, and influences decision makers to increase efforts for these basic needs on national and global levels. WaterAid works in 35 countries and since 1981, WaterAid has reached almost 27 million people with clean water and almost 27 million people with sanitation. Visit www.wateraid.org/uk for more information.