QuizRR has in close cooperation with, Lindex and other brands, developed a digital tool to educate factory workers of their rights and responsibilities with the aim to increase the prospects for safe working conditions and safe workplaces. The training covers several areas; health and safety, fire and building safety, workplace dialogue and employment policies. The content is based on international conventions, codes from global companies and industry associations as well as local laws and regulations.
QuizRR has great potential to strengthen and train workers in their rights. It’s an important area for us at Lindex and our goal is to work with our suppliers to create a positive change. QuizRR could become an important tool to drive change, says Anna-Karin Dahlberg, Production Support Manager at Lindex.
The new initiative was announced at a kick off meeting in Shanghai where over 140 participants attended, including representatives from factories, brands, agencies and organizations. For the moment the project includes over fifty factories in China, five of which are suppliers to Lindex.
The next step for QuizRR is to establish in other key markets for textile production, with Bangladesh being next in line.
For more information, contact:
Miriam Tjernström
Press Relations Manager, Lindex
Phone: 46 (0)31 739 50 60
E-mail: press@lindex.com