
Lindex in media – design

Lindex have  in the media received attention for having products in our assortment that are similar to another designer’s work. In some media we have even been accused of plagiarism. Our aim is not to copy other designers’ patterns or products, on the contrary, we protect the right of the designers and we working actively to secure that this takes place.

We acted immediately regarding this case by removing these products from our stores while we looked into this matter. We early got in contact with the designer for Sleepy King and we have today reached an agreement with her.

The products will now be sold again in all Lindex stores and at lindex.com.

 -We have had a great engagement in social media regarding this matter. We welcome a dialogue with our customers and fans, it helps us to develop in the future, says Kaisa Lyckdal, Press Relations Manager at Lindex.

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