
Menstrual health

To this day, menstruation remains a controversial subject surrounded by shame, taboos, and stigma. We want to change this. And if we know one thing, it’s that collaboration is essential to achieve this change. 

Did you know?

Most women experience menstruation for a total of seven to eight years during their lifetime and every day around 300 million women menstruate worldwide.

Innovating for women's real needs

Through our femtech brand, Female Engineering, we innovate products with patented technology, designed to meet women’s real needs through the various stages of life. Together with scientists, innovative partners and creators we’re on a mission to improve everyday life for each and every person with a female body. Products like reusable period panties, swimwear with built-in menstrual protection, absorbent maternity underwear and menopause clothing are examples of innovations.

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Improving access to clean water and sanitation

Access to clean water, decent toilets, and good hygiene is not only essential for health and well-being but also a necessity to achieve gender equality. Over 771 million people lack access to clean water, and almost 2 billion people lack access to decent toilets. This silent disaster disproportionately affects women and girls, limiting their opportunities and ability to fulfill their potential. As a result, millions of girls are forced to stay home from school during their periods due to the lack of clean water and decent toilets. Through our collaboration with WaterAid we support their work to improve access to clean water and sanitation all over the world.  

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Driving change and breaking taboos

The first step in achieving change is to talk about it. By talking about periods, we also learn more about periods. Being able to talk openly about something as natural as menstruation is crucial to get rid of the taboos. Next Period is committed to creating a systemic shift in how we address menstruation issues and pushing for more resources for research. Together, we work to increase knowledge about menstruation, break taboos and drive change.

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Initiatives and partnerships

Empower women

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