
Lindex releases sustainability report for 2022

Today, Lindex releases its sustainability report for 2022. The fashion company reports on a year characterised by surrounding turbulence and disruption on a global scale, a major transformation and significant progress to keep Lindex’s sustainability promise – to make a difference for future generations. 

Looking back over the past year, there has been a lot of unrest and disruption on a global scale, with a terrible war in Ukraine followed by energy crisis and inflation. In the meantime, we are seeing obvious signs of climate change and its growing impact. Despite the uncertainty around us, we as Lindex have emerged even stronger and are more resolved in our commitment to make a difference for future generations. We focus on empowering women, respecting the planet and ensuring human rights, and have updated our goals and expanded our efforts in these areas. As part of this, we have invested in femtech to improve women's health and wellbeing, and prioritise sustainable materials and manufacturing transparency. We continue the important work but now from a more solid foundation with more concrete and measurable actions. I am so pleased to share our progress on this journey so far’, says Susanne Ehnbåge, CEO at Lindex.

In the sustainability report, Lindex summarises the year 2022 and describes the fashion company's progress and challenges as well as the significant transformation that marks the entire company. Some of the highlights during the year include:

  • Lindex is covering 77 per cent of all factory workers in its supply chain with WE Women by Lindex, a program in which the fashion company acts for more gender equal and inclusive workplaces. 
  • Lindex launched its new femtech brand Female Engineering, which offers high-tech, innovative products and solutions to improve women’s wellbeing and health through the various stages of life. 
  • Lindex managed to maintain its reduction in total emissions by 22 per cent compared to 2017 despite a strong sales growth, this is due, among other things, to a continuous conversion of more sustainable fibres. 
  • Lindex has launched a pilot project on decarbonizing the supply chain involving five key suppliers in Bangladesh, supporting them with assessment and accurate roadmaps to reduce emissions in order to support its goal of a 50 per cent emissions reduction by 2030. 
  • Lindex has scaled up its secondhand offer, opened pop-up store and initiated a test pilot with secondhand baby clothes online. 
  • Lindex has started producing about 1 million OnceMore® based garments made from post-consumer textile waste blended with inputs from responsibly managed forests, a collaboration with Södra. 
  • Lindex now has 83 per cent of its top 30 suppliers calculating living wages using the Anker & Anker methodology. 
  • Lindex has launched a new DEI strategy, based on deep dive interviews, workshops and specific questions reaching its whole organisation, through the engagement tool Lindex Voice.

Lindex’s 2022 Sustainability Report is available here.

Kristina HermanssonSenior PR & Communications Manager

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