
WE Women by Lindex

We want all women across our value chain to be able to fulfil their potential. With WE Women by Lindex we work for more gender equal and inclusive workplaces in our supply chain.

The majority of the textile workers who make our clothes are women, but the working atmosphere in factories is often made by men for men. In WE Women by Lindex we educate our suppliers’ factory management on gender equality and how to integrate it into management systems. The aim is to change the leadership and management style in factories so they can become more inclusive for women and aware of gender equality issues. In the programme, we also reach out into the communities through Women´s café, where we provide training for both male and female workers in gender equality.


factories in Bangladesh, Turkey and India have implemented the WE Women programme so far.

114 000

workers, of which 68 000 are women, have been reached so far

We aim to include the suppliers’ work for gender equality in our sustainability score card, which we use to assess our suppliers and enhance the business incentive for sustainability. WE Women by Lindex is a programme developed through a public-private partnership between Lindex and GIZ, and in cooperation with BSR and local non-governmental organisations.

Meet Paramount

One of our long-term suppliers in India. With a workforce of more than 7.000 employees, and where women are the minority, Paramount has made social sustainability and women’s empowerment a core part of its business values and an important part of its business decisions and day-to-day operations. In 2021, Paramount implemented the WE Women by Lindex programme for more gender equal and inclusive workplaces, and has since educated all employees on gender issues, how to have an unbiased approach to gender and increase the representation of female workers in the factory across all job roles.

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Our goal is that by 2025, Lindex's suppliers who stand for 80 per cent of our production will have completed our Women Empowerment programme.

Making a difference for future generations

With WE Women by Lindex we want to utilise women’s potential by providing career paths, strengthening female textile workers’ self-esteem and make it possible for them to identify themselves with success. By creating the right environment for equality and women empowerment, we also believe that we can have a positive impact on women’s roles in their families and communities.

None of the above will happen overnight, we know that. It takes time for structures in societies to change, often several generations. With WE Women by Lindex we aim to set things in motion in our supply chain now that will make a difference on a long term. We want to have a positive impact for the women working in factories today, so their daughters can see and believe in their own potential, which will have an impact for their future daughters and so on.

Making it available for everyone

We know we can’t solve gender equality on our own. But we know that what we achieve within WE Women by Lindex makes important pieces in a much bigger puzzle. And we see no reason to keep it to ourselves. Because when we join forces and work in the same direction, that is when we can create a movement together that will make a difference for future generations. This is why we share the knowledge, the learnings and the toolbox, making it available for everyone who wants to work for more gender equal and inclusive workplaces in their supply chain.


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Empower women

Read more about why empowering women is such an essential part of our sustainability promise.

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